Quark CPET
State-of-the-art metabolic cart for clinical Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing
The Quark CPET is a state-of-the-art metabolic cart for gas exchange analysis (VO2, VCO2) during exercise or resting protocols.
High-quality components and super-fast analyzers assure unsurpassed accuracy, reliability, and real-time analysis of pulmonary gas exchange, even at high-intensity exercises.
Quark CPET carries several built in features and can be integrated with additional modules for both clinical and performance testing.
Quark CPET is a medical device

Breath by Breath
& Mixing Chamber
Quark CPET is includes Breath-by-Breath sampling technology. A physical Mixing Chamber is also available for cardiopulmonary excercise tests performed at high intensities.
Spirometry and Exercise Flow/Volume Loops
Perform ergospirometry tests with an intuitive workflow that naturally guides the user from a simple spirometry assessment to the exercise flow-volume loops during an exercise test.
Walking Tests Module
Optional Walking and titration test module extends OMNIA functionalities for the evaluation of functional exercise capacity with any protocol and setup configuration.
ECG integration
Complete cardiovascular assessment can be performed by integrating wired or wireless 12-lead Stress Testing ECGs, featuring high resolution and advanced data analysis.
Connected with HIS
Quark CPET can exchange data with Hospital Information Systems (HIS) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR) via HL7®, DICOM® or GDT protocols with a dedicated worklist and updated visit status.
OMNIA Software
Quark CPET includes OMNIA, the modular software suite from COSMED with an innovative user interface. OMNIA's intuitive workflow allows users to operate devices with no need for a long adaptation period.

Quark CPET is a stationary system with native breath-by-breath technology and optional mixing chamber. It has been scientifically validated for both techiniques at a wide range of exercise intensities.


Stress Testing ECGs

GFC or Paramagnetic O2 Sensor
Two different O2 sensor technologies to meet any user needs ensuring the best accuracy and robustness

Adjustable Cart

Complete range of high-quality and durable ergometers for exercise testing and cardiological rehabilitation

Calibration Syringe

Explore the standard and optional modules for the Quark CPET

Metabolic - CPET Breath-by-Breath
- Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)
- State-of-the-art breath-by-breath gas exchange technology
- Ideal method for research and clinical applications
- Calculation of thresholds, VO2max, EFVL, VE/VCO2 slope, intercept and others
- High level of customization, including protocols, graphs and data presentation
Metabolic - CPET Mixing Chamber
- Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)
- Physical mixing chamber for maximum accuracy at high ventilations suggested for sport science applications and particularly for steady-state protocols
- V1/T1, V2/T2 threshold calculation, VO2max, EFVL, VE/VCO2 slope, intercept and others
- Highly customizable, including protocols, graphs and data display
Metabolic - REE with Mask
- Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) of spontaneosly breathing subjects
- Breath-by-breath gas exchange technology
- Low-flow digital turbine flowmeter
- Multi-use silicone face masks with headgear for comfortable leak-free tests
- Measurement of VO2, VCO2 and other ventilatory and metabolic parameters
- Assessment of metabolism substrate utilization (%FAT, %PRO, %CHO)
Walk Test
- Integrated SpO2 monitor (optional)
- Wireless and Holter modes
- Custom and standard walking protocols including 6MWT, Incremental and Endurance Shuttle Walk Tests
- Suitable for Titration tests and High Altitude Simulation Test (HAST)
Gallery of Quark CPET accessories
Mixing Chamber
Ideal solution for highly accurate measurements during exercise in research and elite sport applications
AMIS 24 Mixing Chamber
The ultimate version with adaptive volume feature. Accuracy comparable to the gold standard Douglas bag method

Blood Pressure
Automated and non-invasive blood pressure monitor for cardiac stress and exercise testing

Pulse Oximeter
High quality Pulse Oximeters for integrated oxygen saturimetry during rest or stress testing

Cardiac Output
Non-invasive cardiac output monitors for the assessment of performance limiting factors
Light and hydrodynamic design for Breath by Breath data acquisition during swimming (VO2 , VCO2 , VE, HR)
Face Masks
Multi-use silicone face masks with headgear for comfortable leak-free resting and exercise gas exchange measurements
Respiratory filters
Ergonomic filters with high filtration efficiency prevent cross-contamination during all tests.

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