Quark PFT
Full modularity and networking for truly customised Lung Function testing solutions
Quark PFT is a modular and compact Pulmonary Function Testing system which allows accurate, repeatable, and low cost tests.
It has been designed to meet any physician’s configuration requirement, either a fullly-featured PFT system or a basic configuration for a private practice start-up.
Quark PFT is powered by OMNIA, the new software platform, entirely designed and developed by COSMED.
All Quark PFT modules comply with ATS/ERS standards.
Quark PFT is a medical device.

True modularity
Quark PFT modular and expandable architecture makes it the ideal solution for a complete Lung Function and Metabolic laboratory in a single device, ensuring low operational costs and quick and easy serviceability.
Intuitive workflow
OMNIA advanced and seamless workflow allows operates devices without the need a long adaptation period by guiding users through daily routines from data entry to test interpretation.
Automatic interpretation
A powerful interpretation algorithm automatically processes results based on the latest scientific guidelines and provides interpretive text strings, including numerical results and graphical data.
Quark PFT and OMNIA comply with latest international guidelines, including ATS/ERS standards for spirometry, DLCO and Forced Oscillation.
Network ready
Quark PFT can be installed as a single stand-alone workstation or in a network environment (small or large network), with the possibility to share data with the HIS.
OMNIA Software
Quark PFT includes OMNIA, the modular software suite from COSMED with an innovative user interface. OMNIA's intuitive workflow allows users to operate devices with no need for a long adaptation period.

Explore the standard and optional modules for the Quark PFT

Body Plethysmography
- All-in-one Testing for Lung Volumes and Airways Resistance
- Cabin volume optimized for comfort whilst maintaining a high sensitivity to volume changes
- Compensation box for external pressure interference elimination
- Simulated test with optional Erlenmeyer flask for research and routine quality control
Walk tests
- Integrated SpO2 monitor (optional)
- Wireless and Holter modes
- Custom and standard walking protocols including 6MWT, Incremental and Endurance Shuttle Walk Tests
- Suitable for Titration tests and High Altitude Simulation Test (HAST)
Airway Resistance
- Airway resistance by Interrupter technique (Rint)
- High reproducibility and correlation with body plethysmography tests
- Ideal for testing uncooperative subjects (e.g. critically ill patients, children)
- Dedicated handle with pneumotach flowmeter
Forced Oscillations
- Total Respiratory Impedance measurement using a Pseudo Random Noise Signal
- Ideal for uncooperative patients
- Recognized reference method for assessment of pre-school children
- Compliant with latest ATS/ERS guidelines
- Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) and Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) assessment
- Breath-by-breath technology
- Physical mixing chamber for maximum accuracy at high ventilations (optional)
- Independently validated for exercise and resting applications
- Highly customizable, including protocols, graphs and data display
Gallery of Quark PFT accessories
Mixing Chamber
Ideal solution for highly accurate measurements during exercise in research and elite sport applications
AMIS 24 Mixing Chamber
The ultimate version with adaptive volume feature. Accuracy comparable to the gold standard Douglas bag method

Blood Pressure
Automated and non-invasive blood pressure monitor for cardiac stress and exercise testing

Pulse Oximeter
High quality Pulse Oximeters for integrated oxygen saturimetry during rest or stress testing

Heart Rate Monitors
Chest belts for Heart Rate (HR) integration during metabolic tests either with Bluetooth or ANT+ technologies

Cardiac Output
Non-invasive cardiac output monitors for the assessment of performance limiting factors
Face Masks
Multi-use silicone face masks with headgear for comfortable leak-free resting and exercise gas exchange measurements
Respiratory filters
Ergonomic filters with high filtration efficiency prevent cross-contamination during all tests.

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