Variables Measured During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing as Predictors of Mortality in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure
The predictive strength of CPET parameters of mortality in Heart Failure patients has been studies in this paper in the Journal of American College of Cardiology.
The study sought to describe the strength of the association among variables measured during a CPX test and all-cause mortality in patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), including the influence of sex and patient effort, as measured by respiratory exchange ratio (RER).
The study findings show that "Peak Vo2, exercise duration, and % ppVo2 carried the strongest ability to predict and discriminate the likelihood of death in patients with HFrEF. The prognosis associated with a given peak Vo2 differed by sex."
Further studies are needed to determine the incremental value of incorporating these exercise measurements into existing clinical risk scores to guide referral of patients to a specialized HF program for consideration of advanced therapies including cardiac transplantation.
The article details are the following:
- Title: "Variables Measured During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing as Predictors of Mortality in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure"
- Authors: Keteyian SJ, Patel M, Kraus WE, Brawner CA, McConnell TR, Piña IL, Leifer ES, Fleg JL, Blackburn G, Fonarow GC, Chase PJ, Piner L, Vest M, O'Connor CM, Ehrman JK, Walsh MN, Ewald G, Bensimhon D, Russell SD; HF-ACTION Investigators.
- Published in: J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Feb 23;67(7):780-9
The study can be purchased at the following link: click here

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