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Are Predictive Energy Expenditure Equations in Ventilated Surgery Patients Accurate?

Published: 12 May 2017

A new study in the Journal of Intensive care Medicine analyses the accuracy of predictive equations versus indirect calorimetry in surgical ICU (SICU) patients.

The objective of this study was to compare the REE measured by indirect calorimetry with REE calculated using specific calorie goals or predictive equations for nutritional support in ventilated adult SICU patients.

A retrospective review of prospectively collected data was performed on all adults (n = 419, 18-91 years) mechanically ventilated for >24 hours, with an Fio2 ≤ 60%, who met IC screening criteria. Caloric needs were estimated using Harris-Benedict equations (HBEs), and 20, 25, and 30 kcal/kg/d with actual (ABW), adjusted (ADJ), and ideal body (IBW) weights. The REE was measured using IC.

The study shows that used predictive equation "is inaccurate compared to REE measured by IC. In SICU patients with nutrition requirements essential to recovery, IC measurement should be performed to guide clinicians in determining goal caloric requirements".

The article details are the following:

Title: "Are Predictive Energy Expenditure Equations in Ventilated Surgery Patients Accurate?"
Authors: Tignanelli CJ, Andrews AG, Sieloff KM, Pleva MR, Reichert HA, Wooley JA, Napolitano LM, Cherry-Bukowiec JR
- Published in
: J Intensive Care Med. 2017 Jan 1

The full study can be purchased at the following link: click here

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