Scientific News
A selection of scientific articles on Cardio Pulmonary, Lung Function, Metabolism and Body Composition

Infant body composition assessment in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) using air displacement plethysmography: strategies for implementation into clinical workflow
04 May 2021
Body composition is a sensitive marker of infants’ intra- and extrauterine growth quality that can influence short- and long-term outcomes; including retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), metabolic health, cardiovascular and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Low body fat percentage at birth in small and appropriate for gestatio…
Point-Counterpoint: Indirect Calorimetry Is Essential for Optimal Nutrition Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit
29 April 2021
A major driver leading to the lack of emphasis on timely ICU nutrition delivery is lack of objective data to guide nutrition care. If we are to ultimately overcome current fundamental challenges to effective ICU nutrition delivery, we must all adopt routine objective, longitudinal measurement of energy targets via indirect calorimetry (IC). Key e…
European Respiratory Society clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis of asthma in children aged 5–16 years
28 April 2021
A task force supported by the European Respiratory Society has recently developed the first evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis of asthma in children aged 5 to 16 years. Nine PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator and Outcome) questions were used. The task force then developed a diagnostic algorithm based on the…
The Role of Nutrition in the COVID-19 Pandemic
31 March 2021
The current review aims to summarize the complex relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and nutritional status and the effects of malnutrition in terms of disease severity, patients’ recovery time, incidence of complications and mortality rate. In COVID-19, this relationship has shown to be crucial across the disease phases, particularly in pe…
Importance of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing amongst Subjects Recovering from COVID-19
25 March 2021
The cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) provides an objective assessment of ventilatory limitation, related to the exercise minute ventilation (VE) coupled to carbon dioxide output (VCO2); high values of VE/VCO2 slope define an exercise ventilatory inefficiency. This prospective study explores the methodology of CPET to evaluate pulmonary damage…
Nutritional and metabolic management of the COVID 19 intensive care patient
15 March 2021
Nutritional and metabolic disturbances are observed in patients critically ill with COVID-19. At each step of the progression of the disease, ICU patients with COVID-19 should be carefully evaluated in terms of malnutrition risk and medical nutritional support. The tremendous challenges posed by the continuous clinical changes requires adequate a…
Energy delivery guided by indirect calorimetry in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
08 March 2021
The use of indirect calorimetry (IC) is increasing due to its precision in resting energy expenditure (REE) measurement in critically ill patients. Thus, this study aim to evaluate the clinical outcomes of an IC-guided nutrition therapy compared to predictive equations strategy in such a patient population. This systemic review and meta-analysis…
Medium-term impact of COVID-19 on pulmonary function, functional capacity and quality of life
26 February 2021
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide determining a dramatic impact on the healthcare system. Aim of this study is to evaluate mid-term clinical impact of COVID-19 on respiratory function. The respiratory system is subjected to major involvement during COVID-19 also due to the hyperactive host immune response and the inflamma…
ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in hospitalized patients with acute or chronic kidney disease
12 February 2021
Acute kidney disease (AKD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are highly prevalent among hospitalized patients and they have important metabolic and nutritional consequences. Moreover, in case of kidney replacement therapy the possible impact on nutritional profiles, substrate balance, and nutritional treatment processes cannot be neglected. The pr…
Pulmonary function and radiological features four months after COVID-19: first results from the national prospective observational Swiss COVID-19 lung study
27 January 2021
This is the first European study reporting on respiratory follow-up outcomes after SARS CoV-2 infection. In this study, reduced DLCO, decreased distance of 6MWT and desaturation during 6MWT were correlated to a severely impaired COVID-19 phenotype, and importantly this relationship was not confounded by age, sex, or BMI. This findings co…
Review of evolution and current status of protein requirements and provision in acute illness and critical care
10 January 2021
This review article summarizes current evidence supporting the role of higher protein intakes, especially during the early phases of nutrition therapy in acute illness, methods for assessing protein requirements, as well as, the currently available high-protein enteral and parenteral nutrition solutions. There is sufficient evidence (albeit limi…
Maximal Time Spent at VO2max from Sprint to the Marathon
20 December 2020
The study showed that VO2max is clearly elicited in all distances from the sprint to the marathon. A fast start and the time to reach VO2max is important in increasing VO2 kinetics and to improve exercise tolerance. The K5 portable breath-by-breath sampling system was used to measure VO2 and carry out the scientific study. Human locomotion natura…
In-vitro and in-vivo validation of Cosmed Q-box system
10 November 2020
A new validation study on Cosmed Q-box system including both in-vitro and in-vivo testing was published on ERS (European Respiratory Society) Journal. The usefulness of any diagnostic tool depends on the combination of accuracy, reproducibility and stability. The aim of this study was to conduct a validation of the COSMED Q-box system including…
Reference values for Lung Clearance Index (LCI) derived from sulphur hexafluoride multiple breath washout testing
10 November 2020
A new study was published on ERS (European Respiratory Society) Journal to provide LCI (Lung Clearance Index) reference values in pulmonary healthy adults. Lung clearance index (LCI) is the most commonly used MBW outcome parameter but normative data is scarce. LCI was derived from triplicate MBW measurements based on Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) a…
Neonatal Adiposity and Childhood Obesity
02 October 2020
The study wants to explore the longitudinal association of neonatal adiposity (fat mass percentage) with BMI trajectories and childhood overweight and obesity from ages 2 to 6 years. METHODS: We studied 979 children from the Healthy Start cohort. Air displacement plethysmography was used to estimate fat mass percentage. Child weight and recumbe…
A longitudinal study of the effects of age, sex and race on body composition in chronic kidney disease
27 September 2020
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by accelerated aging, but the age-related changes in body composition and its modification by sex and race are unclear. METHODS: We assembled a cohort of 516 patients with CKD and 45 healthy controls and serially measured body composition using air-displacement plethysmography for up to 6 years. Mix…
Association Between Fat Mass in Early Life and Later Fat Mass Trajectories
20 September 2020
In this study, only the change in FM% in the first 6 months of life was associated with more adiposity at age 2 years. Infants with a rapid increase in FM% had higher trajectories of FM% and FM index during the first 2 years of life. These findings appear to support a critical window for adiposity programming in early life. Question Is a rapid…
Practical guidance for the use of Indirect Calorimetry during COVID 19 pandemic
10 September 2020
The purpose of this methodology paper is to provide practical guidance to health professionals to perform this measurement safely, using various metabolic monitors. Indirect calorimetry is the best tool to assess resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients and ESPEN as well as ASPEN societies recommend its use. Nevertheless, the use of…
Indirect Calorimetry: the 6 main issues
10 September 2020
A new paper on Clinical Nutrition focused on the decision-making process around IC application for prescription, and individual optimisation of nutritional therapy. Optimal nutritional therapy requires an individually adapted provision of energy as close as possible to patient's real energy expenditure (EE). Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold…
Body Composition During Pregnancy Differs by Obesity Class
09 August 2020
The aim of this study is to characterize changes in body composition during pregnancy in women with obesity. METHODS: Fifty‐four healthy women with obesity (class 1, 30‐34.9 kg/m2: n = 25; class 2, 35‐39.9 kg/m2: n = 21; class 3, ≥ 40.0 kg/m2: n = 8) expecting a singleton pregnancy were studied. Body composition was measured in early pregnancy…
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