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12 March 2021
BillaTraining relied on COSMED K5 to assess and train Marc Batard, World Recordman of the ascent of Everest, without oxygen, in less than 24 hours. T…
29 January 2021
At Oregon State University, Dr. Timothy Burnett, instructor of kinesiology, is conducting a pioneer study on the metabolic function of snowboarders w…
15 January 2021
At the brand-new HUAWEI Health Lab in Xi’an (China), researchers rely on COSMED K5 to capture metabolic data, such as maximum oxygen uptake. "With…
07 January 2021
The metabolic test was performed on a tennis professional player by Carlo Laface (Stilnuovo Health Fitness Club) who explained that VO2max is frequen…
20 November 2020
Dr. Timothy Burnett, instructor of kinesiology at Oregon State University, and his students explored physiological concepts through experiential rese…
27 October 2019
A Rowing assessment with COSMED K5 at the Olímpica Training Center of Rowing in Chile. 
05 September 2019
A special video with Norwegian footballer Ole Selnæs - Norway national football team - Shenzhen F.C. (China) - assessing with COSMED K5 (from a Broad…
02 September 2019
At PERF-UP Center - Doha (Qatar) it is possible to made high-intensity physical assessment wearing COSMED K5 metabolic system. VO2Max is the maxim…
10 July 2019
It is thought that VO2 max is the single most important factor determining success in aerobic endurance sport. Therefore, it is within athletes, co…
04 March 2019
COSMED is proud to introduce the K5, the 4th generation of the most popular wearable metabolic system, a breakthrough in the field of exercise physio…
19 June 2018
Lo scorso 11 e 12 giugno si sono svolte due giornate di studio scientifico sul consumo energetico e costo metabolico della pedalata in salita in un…

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COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.

COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.