Product Videos
Discover COSMED medical devices to assess Cardiopulmonary, Metabolic functions and Body Composition

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- Cardio Pulmonary Exercise
- Indirect Calorimetry
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Spirometry
- Body Composition
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- Q-NRG Max
- Quark CPET
- Quark RMR
- K5
- Innocor
- Q-NRG+
- Quark PFT
- Vivatmo

Physical and metabolic tests in the field riding a bicycle and running wearing a K5
10 October 2016
VIDEO - À bout de souffle - 29/09/2016 di EvryFr

Aquatrainer appearing during Apple Special Event 2016
08 September 2016
Transcript: "...we also extended the work of our Fitness Lab to swimming. Calculating calorie burn for swimming is really tricky and we analysed o…
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