A selection of webinars on Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition assessment

COSMED DIGITAL COACH - Das Coaching-Webinar für noch mehr Diagnostik-Know-How
18 December 2024
COSMED DIGITAL COACH Das Coaching-Webinar für noch mehr Diagnostik-Know-How In diesem Format wollen wir euch monatlich zielführende Tipps und Tricks an die Hand geben, damit ihr das Beste aus eurem Equipment zur Stoffwechseldiagnostik herausholen könnt. > Live-Präsentation durch unsere Applikations-Spezialiste…

COSMED Webinair "Observer et interpréter la réponse ventilatoire à partir de cas cliniques"
10 June 2024
Alors que le contrôle de la ventilation d’exercice est encore débattu, il est indispensable de s’en tenir à une description factuelle rigoureuse plutôt que d’opter pour une explication physiologique sans preuve. [ FRENCH language ] Intervenants: Pr Bernard Aguilaniu Pr Pierantonio Laveneziana Détails de l'évènement…

COSMED Webinair "Exigences méthodologiques pour éviter les biais dinterprétation"
30 April 2024
L’interprétation de l’EFX est soumise comme toutes explorations à des biais cognitifs mais aussi aux risques sous estimés de «glissement méthodologique». [ FRENCH language ] L’objectif de cet atelier est d’évoquer ces erreurs insidieuses qui peuvent induire un raisonnement inapproprié. Le webinaire était en partenariat avec HYLAB / CPET-…

12 March 2024
COSMED FRANCE WEBINARS Deux webinaires à destination des pneumologues et cardiologues sont proposés: 29 Avril 2024 L’interprétation de l’EFX est soumise comme toutes explorations à des biais cognitifs mais aussi aux risques sous estimés de «glissement méthodologique» L’objectif de cet atelier est d’évoquer…

COSMED Expert Talk: "Sehnenverletzungen im Freizeit-/Leistungssport - Diagnostik & Therapie"
17 March 2023
Im nächsten EXPERT TALK mit COSMED CSO und Sportwissenschaftler Sebastian Händel steht Dr. Alberto Schek Rede und Antwort zum Thema „Sehnenverletzungen im Freizeit-/Leistungssport - Diagnostik & Therapie". [ GERMAN language ] Event details 23/3/2023 | 17:00 - 18:00 Sign Up Click on the button below to register: Hier An…

COSMED Expert Talk "Eisenmangel bei Sportlern" by COSMED Deutschland GmbH
04 July 2022
Im nächsten EXPERT TALK mit COSMED-Geschäftsführer und Sportwissenschaftler Benjamin Rösch steht Dr. Matthias Marquardt Rede und Antwort zum Thema "Eisenmangel bei Sportlern". [ GERMAN language ] Das Gespräch dreht sich um folgende Schwerpunkte: Über 50 % der Leistungssportler:innen in Ausdauerdisziplinen haben Eisenmang…

Webinar "Indirect calorimetry in everyday practice: European and Australian experiences"
20 September 2021
On October 4th 2021, join Dr Elisabeth De Waele, Dr Suzie Ferrie and Kate Lambell in this panel discussion as they delve into the Indirect Calorimetry (IC) practices used in their respective settings. You’ll learn about the latest evidence on the use of IC and explore what defines best practice when using IC – both now and into the future. Plus…

Baxter Webinar "Q-NRG - Utilizzo della calorimetria indiretta nel determinare con accuratezza i fabbisogni energetici"
17 September 2021
On September 28th 2021, join Baxter Webinar "Quantify nutritional request and goals Q-NRG+". During the interactive Webinar we will have the pleasure of addressing and discussing the following aspects together: Baxter's role and passion in clinical nutrition; The importance of using a latest generation indirect calorimetry tool in clinical p…

COSMED Expert Talk "Is VO2max measurement still up-to-date?" by COSMED Deutschland GmbH
16 September 2021
In dialogue with PD Dr. Gunnar Treff, sports scientist and supervisor of various national rowing teams, we talk about the following topics: The real benefit of VO2max measurement The methods of precisely determining this parameter The relevance for the trainer and athlete [ GERMAN language ]

“Professional athlete support" by COSMED Deutschland GmbH
18 June 2021
In dialogue with Dr. Sebastian Zeller, sports scientist, trainer and author from Cologne, we talk about the following topics: - The physiologically based athlete support - The benefits of bipolar training - The practical experiences from everyday trainer life [ GERMAN language ] - Starting from min 30

“Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics during COVID-19” by COSMED Deutschland GmbH
29 April 2021
In dialogue with Dr. Guido Lehnert, expert in pulmonology and sports medicine, Sebastian Handel, CSO at COSMED Deutschland GmbH, discusses on the following topics: - How do we deal sensibly with COVID-19 in everyday diagnostics? - What are the challenges and how do we master them? - Which diagnostic methods are currently particularly useful? [ G…

ASPEN Podcast: Should Indirect Calorimetry be the Standard of Care for Determining Energy Targets in the ICU?
22 March 2021
NCP April 2021: Pro/Con: Should Indirect Calorimetry be the Standard of Care for Determining Energy Targets in the ICU? In this podcast, Editor-in-Chief Jeanette Hasse, PhD, RD, FADA, CnSC, interviews Paul Wischmeyer, M.D., E.D.I.C., FASPEN, FCCM, and Stephen McClave, M.D., FASPEN, two clinical controversy paper present opposing views. ASPEN P…

Nutrition and Metabolic Needs in COVID 19 with Dr Paul Wischmeyer
03 March 2021
Virtual lecture “Nutrition and metabolic needs in Covid-19 with Paul Wischmeyer” hosted by Southeast Chapter of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (25/02/2021).
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